XYZ Printing da Vinci Mini Review:

XYZ Printing da Vinci Mini Review:

The XYZprinting da Vinci Mini 3D printer is designed for 3D-printing novices and casual users. It is an Editors’ Choice because it is simple to set up and use, has decent print quality, and is consistent. Compromise: High-quality printing takes a long time and only works with low-cost filament.


The Mini printer from XYZPrinting does not include a built-in screen or a heated bed. It does, however, include a USB port and WiFi capability, which is nearly unheard of among low-cost printers. We were relieved to discover that drivers for both Windows and Mac machines are available. However, because there is no Linux support, you aren’t restricted to using a certain modeling program.


The XYZ da Vinci Mini is a low-cost 3D printer with a bright orange housing, yet the print bed and hot extruder are still visible. The box comes with a cheap fold-it-yourself plastic cover, but it won’t keep curious fingers away for long. The filament reel is recognized by the device using an NFC card reader. This enables the printer to keep track of both the color and the remaining printer filament on the reel. The da Vinci Mini is a compact 3D printer capable of producing prints up to 205 cubic inches in volume.

Larger prints may not always stay attached to the bed because there is no warmth on the bed. Before beginning a large print, XYZ recommends applying a dab of white adhesive to the print bed.


The printer itself is not controlled by the da Vinci Mini. Instead, everything is contained in the XYZware application, which may be downloaded for free. This tool is uncomplicated and easy to use, and it displays a rotatable preview of the 3D model. Multiple models can be scaled, shifted, or loaded for printing at the same time, but they cannot be edited.


Good is set at 300 microns (a micron is 0.001 millimeter), while Normal is 400 microns, and Excellent is 200 microns. You can access a higher resolution from the Advanced tab in the dialogue box (100 microns). There are no longer any long hang times, and there are no more software crashes like there were in the prior version.


The XYZware printer may be connected to a home network over WiFi and begin printing immediately. You can control everything from the software, eliminating the need to interact with the printer. This is ideal for those who do not wish to fiddle with intricate print settings.


The quality of the XYZPrint da Vinci Mini 3D printer is approximately average among the 3D printers we’ve examined. On curved surfaces, the fastest setting resulted in noticeable stepping, but allowing it to take its time makes your models appear a lot better. The overall quality of the prints is too low for mass production, and the build volume is too little. It’s ideal for anyone who wants to print items for their home or office.


  • Quiet.
  • Software that is simple to use 
  • In most settings, printing is quick.
  • The cost is quite inexpensive. 
  • Filament that is reasonably priced. 
  • Excellent print quality. 
  • In testing, there were no typos. 
  • Simple to set up and use. 


  • Occasionally, there are issues with launching prints. 
  • It can be difficult to remove printed things from the print bed.


The XYZprinting da Vinci Mini is a low-cost 3D printer that offers a winning mix of low cost, ease of setup and usage, good print quality, and smooth, error-free operation.

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